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Nepravidelné sloveso hurt

raniť, poraniť, bolieť, ublížiť

Infinitive hurtA2
Past Simple hurt
Past Participle hurt

put – put – put

Nepravidelné sloveso hurt

Vety s nepravidelným slovesom hurt

1. Forma: Sloveso hurt – prítomný čas jednoduchý

He hurts me when he says such things about my family.

Raní ma, keď hovorí také veci o mojej rodine.

Does it hurt when you move your leg?

Bolí ťa to, keď hýbeš nohou?

2. Forma: sloveso hurt – minulý čas jednoduchý

Did I hurt you?

Ublížil/a som ti?

3. Forma: sloveso hurt – minulé príčastie

I´ve never hurt anyone.

Nikdy som nikomu neublížil. (Nikdy som nikoho nezranil).

4. Forma: sloveso hurting – prítomný čas priebehový

You´re hurting my feelings.

Zraňuješ moje city.

Definícia nepravidelného slovesa hurt



hurt, hurt·ing.

  • cause pain or injury to.
  • „Ow! You’re hurting me!“




  • spôsobiť bolesť alebo zranenie.
  • „Ow! Ubližuješ mi!“


Synonymá slovesa hurt (vo význame „cause physical pain; experience pain“)

bruise damage harm
injure punish trouble

Synonymá slovesa hurt (vo význame „cause mental pain“)

annoy constrain injure
punish sadden upset

Antonymá slovesa hurt (vo význame „cause physical pain; experience pain“)

aid assist benefit

Antonymá slovesa hurt (vo význame „cause mental pain“)

cure delight heal

Časovanie nepravidelného slovesa hurt

Indicative – Oznamovací spôsob

Present simple
Prítomný čas jednoduchý

I hurt

you hurt

he/she/it hurts

we hurt

they hurt

you hurt

Past simple
Minulý čas jednoduchý

I hurt

you hurt

he/she/it hurt

we hurt

they hurt

you hurt

Future simple
Budúci čas jednoduchý

I will hurt

you will hurt

he/she/it will hurt

we will hurt

they will hurt

you will hurt


Perfect – perfektívum

Present perfect
Predprítomný čas jednoduchý

I have hurt

you have hurt

he/she/it has hurt

we have hurt

they have hurt

you have hurt

Past perfect
Predminulý čas jednoduchý

I had hurt

you had hurt

he/she/it had hurt

we had hurt

they had hurt

you had hurt

Future perfect
Predbudúci čas jednoduchý

I will have hurt

you will have hurt

he/she/it will have hurt

we will have hurt

they will have hurt

you will have hurt


Continuous – priebehový čas

Present continuous
Prítomný čas priebehový

I am hurting

you are hurting

he/she/it is hurting

we are hurting

they are hurting

you are hurting

Past continuous
Minulý čas priebehový

I was hurting

you were hurting

he/she/it was hurting

we were hurting

they were hurting

you were hurting

Future continuous
Budúci čas priebehový

I will be hurting

you will be hurting

he/she/it will be hurting

we will be hurting

they will be hurting

you will be hurting


Perfect Continuous – perfektívny priebehový čas

Present perfect cont.
Predprítomný čas priebehový

I have been hurting

you have been hurting

he/she/it has been hurting

we have been hurting

they have been hurting

you have been hurting

Past perfect continuous
Predminulý čas priebehový

I had been hurting

you had been hurting

he/she/it had been hurting

we had been hurting

they had been hurting

you had been hurting

Future perfect cont.
Predbudúci čas priebehový

I will have been hurting

you will have been hurting

he/she/it will have been hurting

we will have been hurting

they will have been hurting

you will have been hurting


Conditional – Podmieňovací spôsob

Conditional present

I would hurt

you would hurt

he/she/it would hurt

we would hurt

they would hurt

you would hurt

Conditional perfect

I would have hurt

you would have hurt

he/she/it would have hurt

we would have hurt

they would have hurt

you would have hurt

Conditional present progressive

I would be hurting

you would be hurting

he/she/it would be hurting

we would be hurting

they would be hurting

you would be hurting

Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been hurting

you would have been hurting

he/she/it would have been hurting

we would have been hurting

they would have been hurting

you would have been hurting

Imperative – Rozkazovací spôsob


you hurt

we Let’s hurt

you hurt


you don’t hurt

we don’t hurt

you don’t hurt